Welcome MaarinaD as a Vanir Content Creator

MaarinaD joins Vanir as the newest content creator. She streams on Twitch, got a very interesting background with music and fashion, and now esports.
– My name is Marina, I go under the nickname MaarinaD on Twitch and all other platforms. I’m originally a music manager, and I’ve been self-employed in the clothing business. I used to live in LA and studied music management. I worked a little with music in Norway before moving to Korea where I continued with music before jumping over to the fashion industry. I was CEO and creative director of WørldWidæ Clothing.
– I’ve been a gamer all my life because of my father. We’ve always had all consoles, computers and games. I never had any restrictions growing up. It’s important for me to say I’m a gamer who stream, and not a streamer who plays. I started streaming around 2014 I think, right before moving to Korea. I had this horrible Logitech webcam, played League of legends, bad lighting and at home with my mother and father. My thoughts back then was “i’m never going to do this again”, but then I moved to Korea and started playing Overwatch, I started streaming a little again after having bought a gaming laptop.
Then covid hit the world, and her life changed drastically:
– When covid happend, I had to close down my clothing company, since production was in Korea and there was a problem with the logistics. In addition to it, it was an environmental issue that was tearing apart my conscience producing something we don’t really need in this world, we have enough clothes. The fashion industry is not environmental friendly. Last year in Korea I started with politics, since I was very engaged in the climate debate, and equality in the society, like women’s rights. I started studying international relations since I speak seven languages, so my idea was to become a diplomat. I quickly realised being a diplomat I don’t get to speak my opinions, and because of this and being stuck in Norway, I started streaming while studying.
– I realised I could do much more with the issues by being a female actor in a man’s dominated environment, which gaming is. If I tell the right people how to communicate with each other, both women and men, it will make the difference I am looking for. I dropped out of school and started streaming fulltime. I joined Vanir because of their values and what they stand up for.