We opened Fellesverket Sandefjord's Gaming Room

Tuesday 11 OctoberTogether with Gamera.no, we had the honour of opening the new gaming room at Fellesverket Sandefjord. Here we had the opportunity to talk about the importance of gaming and esports, and how Fellesverket can best engage to make good use of the space.
More people who set up premises and equipment for youth may find that attendance is absent. We can assist with high experience from Norwegian and international esports with programs tailored to the customer's needs. -Mikkel Bull Junker (Business Manager)
Thank you to everyone who participated, and especially to Fellesverket who decides to give the youth a space to play games and esports!
Is your organization or business in need of help with gaming or esports? Please contact us at contact@vanir.gg today!